Accredited Programs of Funeral Service ABFSE maintains a Directory of the 58 degree programs currently accredited by the
American Board of Funeral Service Education. (2024)
meet the Standards approved by the Committee on Accreditation of ABFSE. ABFSE accreditation Standards meet the expectations of the U.S. Department of Education and CHEA.
Funeral Service Associate and Bachelor’s degree programs are accredited by ABFSE.
Several Diploma and Certificate programs that require at least 60 credits are also accredited by ABFSE.
Some institutions with accredited programs also offer certificate programs designed to meet the licensing requirements of the state in which the institution
operates. Such programs may or may not meet the licensing requirements of other states.
Accredited programs are reviewed at least every 7 years to assure that the standards are being met.
Entries in the Directory of Programs designate the year of the last evaluation and the year of the next scheduled comprehensive evaluation.
Distance Education:
Enables a student to take courses at a location (i.e., home, work, library, etc.) away from a campus.
Programs offering at least 50% of their courses through distance education are designated in the Directory as "Distance Education - YES."
General education or limited funeral offering programs are designated as "Distance Education - Yes - general education or less than 50%", etc.
Licensing Exams:
Most states require a licensing examination in order to practice in funeral service.
Graduates of ABFSE accredited programs are eligible to take the National Board Examination (NBE).
National Board Examination pass rate for first-time test takers are listed in the ABFSE Directory.
Licensing examinations are not administered by ABFSE.
ABFSE accredits programs and institutions. Students may graduate from an accredited program, but individual students are not accredited.
Written comments are invited from interested parties concerning the qualifications for pre-accreditation (i.e., candidacy) or accreditation of any listed program. Comments received will be considered by the Committee on Accreditation as part of its regular program review.
To view the Directory of Programs, click on the map at the left. Or click here for the downloadable PDF.
College and University programs
listed in the Directory are accredited by American Board of Funeral Service Education, an agency recognized by the U.S. Department for Education and the Council on Higher
Education Accreditation.