ABFSE Undergraduate Scholarship Application

 Undergraduate Scholarship Application (Cont.)

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Please Note: Fields highlighted in Red are required. If any do not apply, enter “None” or “N/A” in the field box.

C. Personal Financial Statement

Briefly explain below how you are planning to pay for your Mortuary School education. Be sure to include estimated expenses (i.e. tuitions, room and board, etc.) and support (i.e. occupation income, parental support, personal savings, grants and loans, etc.) for the next school year. If you receive Federal Financial Aid to assist in payment of your education, please send a copy of the FAFSA form as part of your additional documentation (See Checklist)

Personal Financial Statement:

Remaining Characters:

E. Educational/Military Background

High School

High School Information:


Format:  School Name - Yrs Attended - Yr Graduated


College Information:

Format: College Name - Yrs Attended - Yr Graduated

Military Background (if any) (Required if applicable)

Military Information:

Format:  Branch - Period of Service - Rank Obtained

F. School and Community Activities (Additional Item - See Instructions )

School Activities

Please provide detailed information regarding your school and community service history beginning during your high school years to the present.  More >>

Civic/Church Activities

Please provide detailed information regarding your work and community service history beginning during your high school years to the present.  More >>

G. Funeral Service Education Information

ABFSE school you are attending:

Date your studies there began:


Expected date of graduation:


Diploma or Degree?:

  (Enter “Yes”, “No” or list degee if applicable)

H. Work Experience (Required if applicable) (Additional Item - See Instructions )

    Provide a detailed work history, including summer employment in chronological order.  More >>

I. Tell Us About Yourself (Additional Item - See Instructions )

Submit a written document (typed presentation). This “essay” should address your decision and choice to pursue a funeral service education. More >>

J. Letters of Recommendation (Additional Item - See Instructions )

Submit two signed letters of recommendation from any faculty member teaching at the student's current ABFSE school, AND from someone who is not a family member or friend. Full instructions >>

K. College Transcripts (Additional Item - See Instructions )

Submit a copy of transcripts from every college you have attended. More >>

N. Certification Statement

Your signature typed in the field below is the electronic equivalent of your written signature certifying the information in this application and its related attachments.

I hereby certify that the above information is true and can be verified by proper documentation if required:

Your Electronic Signature:
(Type your full name in this field)

Today’s Date:


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